Import Your Medium Stories To Hashnode In 5 Steps✨

Import Your Medium Stories To Hashnode In 5 Steps✨

Learn how to download your Medium articles and import them on your Hashnode blog

Hashnode makes it convenient for you to move your articles from Medium to Hashnode. In fact, you can do it in five simple steps.

Yes, it’s that easy!

1. Navigate to Medium

Figure 1

Once you are on Medium, click on your profile picture. After that, a new dropdown appears, where you have an option called Settings.

Click on that option — Settings.

2. Download your data

Figure 2

To speed up the process, search directly for “Download your information”. That will take you directly to the place where you can download all your Medium data.

Click on the button saying Download .zip and wait until the download finishes.

3. Hashnode’s blog dashboard

Figure 3

Once you have the data from Medium, navigate to > Blog Dashboard > Import. Figure 3 illustrates part of the flow.

4. Choose your data

Now click on the importer (the cloud with the arrow) and select your .zip file (as shown in figure 4 below).

Figure 4

Wait until Hashnode uploads your data. Please don’t refresh or close the page until the process is finished!

5. Publish them

Figure 5

Once the data is uploaded, select the posts you want to publish and press the Publish button. Wait until the posts are published, and you should see something similar to figure 6 below.

Figure 6

The end

That’s all you have to do! I told you it’s that easy!

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